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RE: IMX | from JBFeb 22 2003 - 13:52
Thanks PETE, those sound like some really AWESOME bands!!! And if you're telling me I might actually win some prizes....I'll definitely come to your site!! My life is SO empty that this proposition of yours to play a stock market/band game is a dream come true. Thanks again !!
RE: IMX | from marcFeb 21 2003 - 11:26
sounds 'armless enough to me...
RE: IMX | from RossFeb 20 2003 - 07:18
I'll buy 100,000 shares of Def Leppard.
IMX | from peteFeb 19 2003 - 06:34
hey i just found out about this awesome online game called interactive music exchange, it is like playing the stock market only with popular bands like simple plan, thursday, good charlotte and a ton more, and best of all you could win prizes so check it out