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RE: prophet V | from jeffFeb 18 2003 - 08:44

yes i did mean to answer this one and somehow it slipped away...the pro V is on a little bit of levitate...what comes to mind is casa mia..its in the background of 3 or 4 more songs...i have a prophet 10 as well...its all over three sheets...unfortunately all the cool sounds marty and i made got dumped when the internal battery died...ill use both of them on the next cd...its a real magical little box....i wish i spent more time with it...my mother bought me the pro V when i got a 5 out of 5 on my music advanced placemnent test in high school...( i think my test score got swapped with one of the korean violinist's somehow)this was probably in 1980...yikes. its starting to show signs of age but im reluctant to have it refurbished for fear of losing its soul

RE: prophet V | from RossFeb 18 2003 - 08:20

Actually, Rob S, I'd like to know about the Prophet V. Not a stupid question at all...

RE: prophet V | from Rob SFeb 18 2003 - 01:18

I know Rob, I'm sorry.

RE: prophet V | from Rob sFeb 18 2003 - 01:17

some of your questions are very pointless.

are ya? | from Rob sFeb 14 2003 - 01:04

Hey Jeff,
From time to time the Prophet V gets a gig on the IDAHO albums. Will it be used for the newy? How long have you had her? I've only ever seen one... not played. Was it used on "Levitate"?

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