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idaho - we were young... REVIEW

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RE: idaho - we were young... REVIEW | from QuickieNov 04 2002 - 00:24

(continued) He couldn't. Can you? Thanks for NOT asking how I WAS.

RE: idaho - we were young... REVIEW | from QuickieNov 04 2002 - 00:10

JB, I challenged Peter the other day, to see if he could pick out a couple of messages I posted.

RE: idaho - we were young... REVIEW | from JBNov 02 2002 - 02:07

Hey schatzi, is that you? The REAL schatzi? Mr Schulz? I don't know how you spell it...Howz Daisy?
How is your back? give me a call sometime...

RE: idaho - we were young... REVIEW | from PeterOct 30 2002 - 18:46

Hey Schatzi, whats up?

RE: idaho - we were young... REVIEW | from helioOct 30 2002 - 01:19


idaho - we were young... REVIEW | from helioOct 30 2002 - 01:18


i just wanted to let you know that idaho - we were young... was reviewed in matamore - www.matamore.net

m a t a m o r e is an independent cultural webzine/community based on playlists, reviews, and more.

the reviews available online are in french. there is a raw english translation machine link. the result will not be perfect, but it might be understandable. of course, after such a translation didier's poetic 'touch' will not be palpable anymore but i hope you will at least be able to make out the gist of it ...

i hope matamore will help to spread your music. we are, of course, interested in your future releases.

we try to write about albums/bands/artists in which we believe. our goal is to introduce great records to all the participants and to all the people that visit matamore. awaited albums or relative well-known artists/bands are not our priority because they already have a certain credibility and therefore they can count on the favours of the traditional media. there may have exceptions for several reasons, but the main rule is : priority to great albums that must be known.

take care.

hélio - www.matamore.net

p.s.: please forward this email to the people implicated in that record and those who might be interested.

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