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RE: East coast dates on upcoming tour? | from JBJun 15 2002 - 01:03

Well you ARE in our book!

I hope we get to see you this year.
Besides we need to make amends for the NURSE BETTY fiasco.

RE: East coast dates on upcoming tour? | from invinsor@hotmail.comJun 14 2002 - 10:06

Hey John... it has been a while. I hope you are all doing well and having fun getting the retrospective album out. I was anxious to get my hands on it before... now I'm just curious as all heck. I do hope you make it out here (relatively here, anyway.)

The elite few, hey? I don't think I've ever been elite before...

Take care, Brother.

RE: East coast dates on upcoming tour? | from JBJun 14 2002 - 05:25

Hey Ross, long time...
We're thinking about you man.
I've mapped some stuff out and we may get close enough to you guys,
but then again, it could wind up being West coast. Oddly enough though, you and R. Fields have something in common with the new record....................okay, I'll give you a hint: the elite few.

You'll have to pick up the damn thing to find out though...

RE: East coast dates on upcoming tour? | from RossJun 13 2002 - 06:02

No man, sorry. I'm just Ross from Ottawa.

RE: East coast dates on upcoming tour? | from r mathew fieldsJun 12 2002 - 14:34

this is a long shot but are you ross from the band Charmer..

r.mathew fields

" " " " " " | from RossJun 12 2002 - 10:07

Hey Guys,
Any plans to tour the east at all? I'm totally willing to help get you venue information, put up posters, whatever you guys need, for shows in Ottawa and Montréal.

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