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longtime fan wants you to get your well earned kudos

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RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from DeanoMay 30 2002 - 04:17


Have a good un.

RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from JBMay 30 2002 - 03:19

Hey Deano, do by any chance have an address for UNCUT?

I'll let you know the venue as soon as it's confirmed..

RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from DeanoMay 30 2002 - 01:24

Will be there Mr Berry: Brighton is only an hours train journey away. Where are you playing??? By lord: I'll buy you boys a beer or a lemonade or whatever your beverage of choice is these days. Oct 1st = day before my birthday!! Nice one!! You really should come to Brighton though: it's the coolest!! And: as above contact UNCUT magazine and see if you can crowbar a little interview in there: good press and wide readership!

RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from JBMay 30 2002 - 00:20

Well Deano and Alan, I hope you have friends in London to come out
and see our first show in 9 years on Oct. 1st. A longer U.K. tour next year will depend on what kind of draw we get for that show.
So somebody please, bring your parents...

RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from Rob sMay 29 2002 - 05:59

Things are looking up in Australia.. even though we are down under (sorry). "Levitate" was released 20th May. It's nice seeing an IDAHO cd in your favorite record store.

RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from DeanoMay 29 2002 - 05:26

No probs. it's probably the lack of decent underground press in the UK and the fact that Idaho aren't on a major or even officially released in the UK anymore. not to mention the fact that they've not graced these shores for about 7 years ( ??? ) We need to get busy on our PC's and start knocking something up!! And Jeff: get your raggle taggle arse over here quick and make sure you play in Brighton: we're drowning in dance music!!

RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from alanMay 28 2002 - 13:20

sorry Deano- didn't mean to come across as anti-English. It's just that London does seem to get a lot more bands than Scotland! I too have only heard one song of Vera Cruise- I was quite impressed too.Hoping to get more feedback on my initial question Idahophiles!!

RE: profile (or lack thereof) in the UK | from DeanoMay 28 2002 - 08:29

Good boy! But enough of your anti English comments!! Radar Bros just played in Glasgow: hope you didn't miss em??
What are this Vera Cruise band like?? Heard one song on the loose compilation that was rather good.

longtime fan wants you to get your well earned kudos | from alanMay 27 2002 - 09:36

I was just pondering the fact I never see your wonderful band's name mentioned in any of the music press over here in the UK EVER!!
I think there was some buzz in the NME way back when year after year came out, and some live reviews raved as they should- but nothing since.
Is there anything you can do to get your new releases reviewed over here? You must have the most over-looked band in the history of Americana, over here and i want to put a stop to it!!Do you ever get asked to do any press here- it would be so bloody great to see an article or even a picture of Idaho, or at least some appreciation of what beautiful, and life-changing music you have given to us lucky lucky fans. I don't have a clue what your profile is like in the States, but it must be bigger than here. I'm sure Uncut magazine would love to do a piece on your band- they have the best taste. Maybe if you were to tour here again (you can forget England, as long as you come to Glasgow!!) I know your last time in Scotland wasn't the best of times- maybe its because the Cathouse usually books heavy metal/rock bands, so it wasn't the right place or crowd to appreciate the subtleties of your lovely music. I'm interested in Jeff and John's response to these questions and comments or anyone else for that matter. I just think Idaho should be reaching as many people with good taste as possible- and i'm quite selfish about my undiscovered fave bands. GIVE IDAHO SOME EXPOSURE FOR GODS SAKE!!!

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