RE: new 764 HERO out now! | from kruppersMay 16 2002 - 15:12
You're all right. I'm spending too much time devising cunning schemes to get JB to send me a demo. None of 'em are gonna work. Dammit!
You're all right. I'm spending too much time devising cunning schemes to get JB to send me a demo. None of 'em are gonna work. Dammit!
And I think to myself.......what a wonderful world....
dear all,
bite me.
hegel the angry communications professor that likes emo and dislikes music critics
Let's not get started about the USA's bastardization of the English language (among other things...)
Seeing as how this is an Idaho board, how about that new idaho record coming down the pipes? Will it be available sooner on this sight?
Kruppers, "criticize" has a "z" in it if you live in the U.S. of A. But I was just expressing how tedious all this sniping has become, so I won't snipe. The lull between Idaho releases has us all a bit on edge, I guess. In September, the love fest will begin.
Anyone interested in discussing IDAHO?? And yeah...what the hell is EMO??
Criticise does not have a z in it. Just an observation.
Is this more interesting than what everyone else was on about? Give me another glass.
BTW what does 'emo' actually mean? It was my mate Alan Emery's nickname but other than that I'm lost.
Peace love and happiness to everyone.
hmmm... is susan now posting as ck??
I suggest anyone who criticizes anyone else on this message board should be able to spell the words they use in their critiques. My guess is it would eliminate 99% of such posts.
Actually Leicester won the Premiership and is in the European Cup final. A sport the English are actually good at an can compete in... that's why the nation isn't interested in it. Uughh!
nope is really on to something here... why do other folks around here treat susan as the indie hegemon??
doesn't anyone else see how clever this repetative assault on susan really is? perhaps susan is also posting as nope... in nope's words...'how emo'
cheers to you nope, regardless f who you are
how literary...
is this what you write in your spare time?
seems a bit more creative than your emo critic stuff...
have you ever written a song?
*reclining on throne with a freshly- lit spliff, adjusting crown so it falls coyly over one eye, suggestively prodding minions with jeweled scepter and ordering large loyal subjects to turn 'nope' inside-out*
oohh... rising above. how fucking emo...
how contradictory yet very funny. rise above what?? she made this beast and it is all a big joke... the queen of the idaho message board just can't handle a little competition and a little reality check. reality is pretty painful and apparently pretty ***emo*** for some...
Leicester is a toss hole and you just got relegated in some style!! Brighton rocks man!!
Susan: well done for rising above those twats who've got nothing better to do than antagonise!
Now this....
Its age and the vino. I miss Leicester. Was there at college. The best place in England (after London that is...) Deano! Deano!
Kruppers -
Have you suffered a blow to the head recently ?
I'm from Leicester, and can assure everyone that there are no tigers here.
(Oh - you mean the rugby club. Doh.)
Perhaps it is me who has had the blow to the head ?
I love Leicester. Tigers! Tigers!
Did you have a bad review at some time there "nope".
but susan gets 'paid' to do just that -- she writes little stories for indie mags that the emo kids buy (even though she wont admit it)where she tells them what bands are 'cool'. susan is in denial and wont accept the fact that emo kids pay her rent. as i asked before, how does one become 'qualified' to do what she does? and formal music training? ever record a record? ever write music, play in a band and tour? hmm... most 'critics' are clueless as to what is really involved in the whole process. it was 'critics' such as herself that really created the whole 'emo' label becaus ethey couldn't think of a better more qualitatively descriptive way to define this type of not so great music. hey ash, if you like the midwest, good for you. i like north dakota myself...
i don't think Fiver are cool, nor do i feel that i should find them to be 'cool' since you said they were.
fuck, modesto too.
midwest all the way baby! dope, guns, and fuckin in the cornfields ! (c'mon slam me for this one - i know i've opened myself up now)
btw and as a matter of fact, i could careless what bands you think are "cool" ... it tells us nothing of their sound just to say how cool they are...
Actually, Ham Sandwich started it by spamming this board. But thanks anyway.
Fiver are indeed cool; they're touring the west coast with Imperial Teen right now. Who'da thunk the next indie-rock hotbed would be...Modesto, California?!
susan started this beast... we just had to kill it.
Drop it with the EMO people: can't believe your even giving legs to such NME-tag silliness.
Egg whisk for all but me and Susan got first dibs.
Anyone heard the new Fiver LP?? They seem to be on an upward curve a la BTS ( Til "perfect from now on" )
i have a question... are you "EMO"? Your previous posts seem pretty emotional to me...
It's crap. Any further questions?
And yes, Bean, you're more than welcome to bring your egg whisk-- as long as you let everyone have a go with it....
Sorry to sound socially inept, but what the fuck is EMO? I am assuming it is a "00's" catch phrase.
susan is emo and she isn't ok with it...
Aaaahhh: she's back!!
Can I bring an egg whisk??
I am glad you didn't forget me, Susan. Hey and this time, I'll bring the Velveeta.
But after it's all over you're all invited over to my place for a Velveeta bash. (That includes you, Ed.) All matters of pornography, weapons, explosives, recreational narcotics, amphibious creatures, bowling balls, and processed cheese products are welcomed and in fact encouraged. Somebody's going to have to bring a Twister mat, though-- mine's at the cleaners.
One word: DEADLINE.
Susan: surprised you cracked at such a tame ( if tiresome ) bit of plain old ragging. You're usually so acerbic and cool. Whappen girl?? You OK??
by the way... the kids that read the zines pay your rent... supply and demand--simple capitalist economics. can of whoopass...? your langaue, arguments, and framing are as juvenile as the 'emo' kids you dislike. so how does one 'qualify' as being a paid music critic for an indy zine? do you have any formal training in music? ever record a record? ever tour the country? ever promote shows? in case you are wondering, these questions and comments should be taken as jokes too.
you took this WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. it was a joke. seemed pretty clear to me that it was. why the hell are you so hypersensitive to what a puss filled zit on a message board has to say anyways? depressed kids a break... my lord, it was a joke... chill...
While I don't have an MFA, I do have a massive can of whoopass with your name on it. You have proven to be a pestilent pus-filled zit, an inflamed hemorrhoid on the ringpiece of this board. As such, you demand to be squeezed.
Emo kids don't pay my rent. Editors do. The publications for which I write don't cover emo, so why would emo kids read them? (Especially if they're sitting in the dark because they're too overcome with emotion to change the lightbulb.) There's a difference between being genuinely sensitive and being a whiny little wet-assed bitch who bruises when the wind blows. All songs are emotional in some capacity or another, so why do we need an overhyped new genre (I use that term loosely) to drive that point home?
Give the depressed kids a break? Please. I was thisclose to being hospitalized after being diagnosed with depression shortly after I turned 13. I spent over a decade in therapy and on anti-depressants. If there's anything for which I have an unlimited cache of contempt, it's people who act depressed because it's supposedly trendy-- something emo fans are wont to do. If emo kids had any inkling what it felt like to be truly depressed, they'd whimper and put on an Apples in Stereo record. Fuck emo, fuck its fans, and fuck you.
(And for the record, 764-HERO sucks.)
none of it is intended to be taken seriously... so sorry. just sticking up for all the 'emo' kids out there that pay her rent that she placed at the butt of her played out unoriginal joke.
ms. moll is a very nice young woman. i feel that this conjecture is entirely inappropriate.
i'm picking up on a little tension here
ouch... there's that literary juice that we all love... perhaps your diet is causing you to yawn, or perhaps it is your hispter manuscripts that you produce that are leading you to feel tired.
No, no, no and no.
Your conversation has grown...tiresome. *yawning*
are you dressed in black sitting in a hipster coffee shop right now writing your next subjective post-moderni or post-structuralist journalistic "masterpiece" that will appear in the next issue of the hipster zine that all the emo kids that don't replace lightbulbs support? didn't you recently mention that you have an MFA? doesn't that stand for mighty fucking arbitrary? where is the bubblewrap story? or was that a figment of your "imagination"?
that's what i thought, bill from fond du lac, right ??
No. I'm the guy from Rainer Maria. The tall skinny funny-looking one.
Caithlin De Marrais?
but aren't you the girl in rainer maria?
I happen to be one of those so called midgets you speak of. I can't thank you enough for rescusing me, Susan. I still miss the velveeta orgies we would have the first Monday of every month.
Actually, I write in a secret underground lair surrounded by a large flock of inflatable sheep and some psychologically-scarred midgets I rescued from traveling freak shows.
ooohhh... you provided a great hook in that last post. oh please, please, please share the bubblewrap story with us. sounds a little middle-class punk'ish ala 1984. hmmm... i bet you still wear all black while you sit with your laptop in hipster coffee shops writing your subjective manuscripts for the zines that the emo kids support. aren't you the girl from rainer maria?
Actually, I used to parade around in outfits fashioned entirely from bubble wrap and a few strategically-placed strips of duct tape. But that's another story for another time...
so funny... don't all those 'emo' kids keep the dirt rags that you write for in business??? give the depressed kids a break. as a rather literate person, you should know better. isn't all music 'emo'? idaho sure is. if you don't think so then you haven't seen him (them) live. i bet you used to wear all black.
Q: How many emo kids does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: None-- they just sit in the dark and cry all night.
the new 764 HERO record called "Nobody Knows This Is Everywhere" is available now from Tiger Style Records.
buy it at
photo by Lara Porzak, all rights reserved.
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