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RE: a Berry in Paris... | from un refugieMay 08 2002 - 04:53
Rien compris,mais alors rien du tout.De toute maniere ce sujet n'avait aucun interet et je prefere le cafe au chocolat, Berlin a Paris, les protestants aux cathos, et Hood a Idaho.
And I have no idea what you're talking about and it's fine, i don't care, i don't give a shit, i don't give a damn.
Cela n'a aucune espece d'importance, ce message board est nul, Jospin est a Palerme. Vive les hotels Sheraton!!!
RE: a Berry in Paris... | from DeanoMay 08 2002 - 02:23
Ahhh: keeping an eye on the extreme right eh?? Good boy: Europe has crazy xenophopia now due to mass migration of refugees....
What's the score wid the record?? is this levitate or one of your own??
How's Paris??
Does that title refer to Alan Partridge? or do you have no idea what I'm talking about??
RE: a Berry in Paris... | from kruppersApr 28 2002 - 02:17
Anglican Times? I'm ecumenical (but getting treatment).
RE: a Berry in Paris... | from a non-catholicApr 27 2002 - 05:25
risky to fly to france now.
But however, how much time do i have to become a so-called journalist ?
coffee's not good, chocolate's better (with croissants).
RE: a Berry in Paris... | from kruppersApr 25 2002 - 15:19
If any of Idaho or related persons are Catholics, I could interview you for the Catholic Herald or the Universe. I have friends in high places obviously. And those promos are so tempting.
paris | from JBApr 25 2002 - 09:02
Should anyone want to get a hold of me in France, my e mail there is above. I will have copies of the new record for journalists that buy me coffee...