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RE: ain't IDAHO grand? | from abApr 04 2002 - 14:39

my baby's got a secret... oohh oohh

RE: ain't IDAHO grand? | from michel Apr 04 2002 - 14:31

It is mustafa. I clearly remember the days i thought i was able to write a book (literature that is mm mm) and settled down night after night in candle light, red wine and a story in the head, playing IDAHO while staring at the screen, occasionally putting down a word or two. It ofcourse never got to be anything, but is was just great, the music really made me feel like an artist or at least a special person just by humming along the melodies, very inspiring! I always get very perceptive playing Idaho. The fact it never got to be anything surely is lack of talent or my stressful job.. But still when i play certain tracks -specially "shame"- i'm torn back into this story that's still lurking in my brain like a wavery dream you can remember just. Come to think of it, it's been a while i've played that song, all i need now is some wine to go with it. Let's see what my baby brought me.
enjoy all

a new thread | from mustafaApr 04 2002 - 13:08

time to spread some positive energy...

isn't it wonderful how well IDAHO's music parallels life?

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