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01.17.02 @ Berbatis

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RE: Portland Show | from Seth HowardJan 16 2002 - 15:53

Uh... That should be "peace o' mind". I've got to learn to lay off the crack when I'm online.

RE: Portland Show | from Seth HowardJan 16 2002 - 15:51

I also bought tickets to the show online for piece o' mind- $6.50 in service charges for two $7 tickets. Ouch!

RE: Portland Show | from Seth HowardJan 15 2002 - 18:35

I'm making the trek from Seattle so I can see both shows - just got train tickets tonight.

01.17.02 @ Berbatis | from lloydJan 11 2002 - 15:28

any other portlanders going to the show? i know there are some of you here.
notice the extremely small mention of the show in the a&e today? sad.
maybe we can come up with some effort to get the word out.
get in touch and take care.
conspiracy theory music

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