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RE: The ReAL SliM Heffe | from michelDec 19 2001 - 12:35

maybe you should start listening to..metallica?

RE: The ReAL SliM Heffe | from heffeDec 19 2001 - 09:56

FOr as one THING YOU ARENOT WITH HEFFE!!!!!!! forSIZ me HEfffe. NO YOU!!! MEEEEEEeeee.

RE: The ReAL SliM Heffe | from heffeDec 19 2001 - 05:23

i WouLd LIke tO apOloGIZe. I kNow I Am AnnOYiNg aNd MaKE no sEnSe, buT i dEsPEraTely cRaVe attEnTioN. I HavE NOOOooooOOO frIenDs anD ThIS MessAgE boRD Is mY oNLy MeanS of HumAN cOMpAnIonSHip. PlEAse InDulgE Me JEFF!!! I wOrShiP thE GroUNd YoU waLk oN, tHE aIr yOU brEATHE!!!!!!

RE: The ReAL SliM Heffe | from pippoplutoDec 19 2001 - 05:22

Heffe you are only ball full of shit

RE: The ReAL SliM Heffe | from DeMiloDec 19 2001 - 01:21

Heffe: go hibernate you one trick pony.

RE: The ReAL SliM Heffe | from heffeDec 18 2001 - 22:23

he ismnt' the Real HEFfe, for wITH iS ME!!!!!!!!! IMposzterl!!!!!!! ME IS Heefffffffffeeee, nmot You WWITH TUNA ON YOUR SLeEvs'!!! NOT YOOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! Mackerels sleeves......

RE: The ReAL SliM Heffe | from edDec 18 2001 - 21:35

Were you in the phantom menace?

fAVS SONGZ | from HeffeDec 18 2001 - 20:46

Hi ya hI eD HO - I likey LIke MISTerS Jeffes pianisty creaTionz Likey LIKE i DROppy DROP a Hydroxy insa cooly cooL GlASsy GLAzz of MIlky Milk. ITsa Make MEZ feeL all Tingles inzide my Tiny Weeny TUMMY yUmmy. Whatsa yours & Youz Favs toonz SEnor JEffe squeezes onto a Waxy disk or shiny MEdalLions?? The reAl HEFfe NEeDS to knoWz thisy otayEE?

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