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the sun is all there is

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RE: a plea from jeff | from jeffDec 04 2001 - 21:15

you know, i dont really recognize this tuning...ill research this and see what the heck its for thanks victor

RE: a plea from jeff | from victorDec 04 2001 - 19:50

Ahh, unfortunately it is only the set list. Although, there is a tuning that doesn't have a song paired to it at the bottom of the piece of paper - F A# F G. Maybe?

For posterity's sake, the set list looks like this:
jump up
run but you ran
shoulder back
hearts of palm
get you back
sound awake
to be the one

Wish I could have been more help.

RE: a plea from jeff | from AngelenoDec 04 2001 - 16:06

Jeff, I have what you want. If you ever wanna see it alive again, you MUST PLAY LA!! When you come I'll give it to ya. Fair enough?

RE: a plea from jeff | from jeffDec 04 2001 - 15:54

fingers crossed, ill bet you just have the set list and not the actual notes...suspence

RE: a plea from jeff | from michelDec 04 2001 - 12:17


RE: a plea from jeff | from victor samraDec 04 2001 - 11:18


I actually think I may have it! I grabbed the set list off the stage (I only had Three Sheets at the time, and wanted to get an idea of what records the other songs came from). I noticed the tunings. I'll look when I get home tonight and let you know!

RE: a plea from jeff | from DeanoDec 03 2001 - 05:43

Only kidding: it was a thinly-veiled dig at Jeffs absentmindedness ( as if he isn't hurting enough over this one! ) I'd never take away your derangement of the senses.... Jeff how come it's taken you a year to discover this absence??? And is that damn UK date still in the pipe?? I want to buy you a drink and show you around Brighton for the 7 years of wonderful choons you've given me!!

RE: a plea from jeff | from michelDec 03 2001 - 03:16

i just have great weekends:-)
thanks all the same

RE: a plea from jeff | from DeanoDec 03 2001 - 01:33

Gawd bless ya for your taste in music but you really need to lay off the sauce: causes gaps in the memory dont ya know.....

RE: a plea from jeff | from michelDec 02 2001 - 18:31

while reading back my post i think it's the most funny (=wonderful)thing an artist like Jeff Martin can loose the tuning for one of his greatest songs and ask for help from anyone on a message board... when you think of it it is the weirdest yet kindest thing to happen ever..hope you get it right

RE: a plea from jeff | from michelDec 02 2001 - 18:22

Jeff, well i had a few drinks again tonight, not as much as before hehe, and it seems the 'sun' mistery is not solved yet, so i had another go for it. it's a tough one , i have three suns to go on, and i just can't figure the tuning out, i also forgot it should be four strings, anyway I can play along with D# - C# - D# - C# which is probably not it, cause it's a tuning you would not easily forget. I hope you'll post the right tuning on the board once you've found it.

RE: a plea from jeff | from jeffDec 02 2001 - 14:45

i wish i could..... there is a way i can analyze the guitar track until the tuning begins to reveal itself....no fun.... i believe it was a one off tuning and to add to the mystery, i believe i used a capo (sp).... i may have to ask dan to give it a try ...hes got this uncanny ability to hear a chord and break it down to its individual notes.....

RE: a plea from jeff | from adamDec 02 2001 - 14:00

How many different tunings do you use Jeff? You can't remember at least one of the chords, and tune it until it sounds right?

RE: a plea from jeff | from jeffDec 02 2001 - 10:12

we didnt play that song that night as planned... and the tuning suggestion from drunk michel above has 2 too many candidates. nice try

RE: a plea from jeff | from J. BerryDec 02 2001 - 02:41

Ummm....No, that won't help Jeff...but it might do a world of good for me...

Lets talk, maybe our lawyers can work something out!

RE: a plea from jeff | from adamDec 01 2001 - 20:29

jeff, i have a mini disc boot leg from the show that night,i recorded it on a digital mic. would that be of help, to hear it?

RE: a plea from jeff | from michelDec 01 2001 - 19:11

/i wild guess after a quick lidten, (I'm pretty drunk)

i dont knowe

the sun is all there is | from jeffDec 01 2001 - 17:10

when we played the knitting factory last year in early november i left the tabliture for the song " the sun is all there is" on stage by accident. it is the only existing copy and i fear i will never be able to figure out what tuning it was in.....boo hoo...if someone has it, i would love to get some info off of it.... just a shot in the dark

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