RE: What's are some of the best live shows you've seen in the last year... | from deanMay 17 2001 - 00:11
portland oregon...the shins.
ryan adams.
portland oregon...the shins.
ryan adams.
praise fugazi.
Fugazi in Salt Lake City in April - flawless execution.
Go to our website:
and click on the "extras" link. We have a video in there that shows the All Your Base phenomenon in true style.
It's a Japanese mispronounciation from an old Super Nintendo game. Someone somewhere saw it and released that old beast once again.
what does "all your base are belong to us" mean?
Yeah, I'll need it. It's just a temp job to get my dollaz up so I can quit again. I love quitting. As for Snowden, when I do get my dollaz up we're going to try to log in some studio time ourselves. However, it will have to wait for our most important piece of band-related financiary, purchasing several black felt-tip markers to sign all the bountiful breasts presented to us. Someone set up us the bomb!
So Rob, you finally got a job. Damn, the legacy hath finished!
Yea, those Dirt Nap shows were so fun. I still considered myself as a bystander even on stage, not to sound to ego-maniacal or anything. Nevertheless, I wish Dirt Nap was still around. The To Conquer recordings will start probably within the next couple of weeks. Keep me posted on Snowden and I'll do the same for you with To Conquer.
Good luck at the new job,
My favorite shows in the last year (all in Seattle - in no particular order):
Mojave 3
Creeper Lagoon
Yo La Tengo
Mark Kozelek
Death Cab for Cutie
Yo, Mikey! (Sly Stallone voice not included)
Yeah, DirtNap was pretty ding dang good, except for that cocky drummer. He sounded real good with To Conquer, though. The last song went off nice. As for Best Shows of late, I am out of the loop. I'm starting a new jizzob Tuesday, so maybe I'll have some benjamins for little luxuries like leaving the house.
See ya at the bars...
Yea, I was kinda hoping SY would play something off of "Washing Machine". Unfortunately, no songs were played from that one. Oh well, watching Sonic Youth play in such a small venue is so rare. Any song was worth it.
Dead Can Dance would be so rad live, I'm jealous.
Take Care,
hey mike, i was at Sonic Youth in Dallas too.
incredible show even though Teenage Riot was sadly not played.
it was also the first show worth seeing for me this year.
last year was a great year of shows.
Idaho in Austin @ Emos.
The The in Dallas @ Trees.
Lift To Experience & French Films in Denton @ Rubber Gloves.
The Cure in Dallas @ Starplex. (3 hours of music).
Peter Murphy in Dallas @ Deep Ellum Live. (with Eric Avery from Jane's Addiction/Polar Bear on bass.)
Cosmic Slut in Fort Worth @ Ridglea Theater. the most emotionally draining performance i've ever seen from a singer.
still the best concert i've ever seen was Dead Can Dance in Dallas @ Majestic Theater in 1996.
it was the most amazing experience.
I just realized something, check out the topic line and think about this one:
I suck at typing, and grammar for that matter.
Sonic Youth in Dallas at Deep Ellum Live last Friday was amazing.
Blonde Redhead in Lawrence Kansas at the Bottleneck.
Dirt Nap at the Hurricane, K.C.
The Shipping News at the Hurricane, K.C.
The Flaming Lips in Lawrence, KS. At the Granada.
Papa M at the Granada in Lawrence, KS.
Low in Lawrence, Ks. at the Bottleneck
Crooked Fingers at the Hurricane in K.C.
Willie Nelson at Sandstone in K.C.
Dio at The Beaumont in K.C.
Don Cabellero at El Torreon in K.C.
The Causey Way at the Hurricane in K.C.
A nice resurgence here in K.C./Lawrence of great shows lately.
What else?
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