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bonus tracks

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RE: You were a dick Bonus DVD | from cJan 04 2012 - 18:57

I used Switch software to convert the aiff files to mp3, so I could burn them onto an old-fashioned cd-r (I wanted to listen to it in my living room on the stereo for a change of pace). A strange thing happened - after converting to mp3, some of the tracks got abruptly cut off ("the one" cuts off at 3:42), while a few others are extremely elongated by complete silence, for example in mp3 format the track "warm light" clocks in at 9:29, but in reality the track is less than 5 mins long (the mp3 has the full regular track, then there's just silence until the 9:29 mark).

Not really a big deal, but it's weird. The same things happened when I converted the high-res WAV files to mp3. I've never had this type of fluke with Switch before. Damn newfangled audio software.

You were a dick Bonus DVD - Track Titles | from ReneAug 31 2011 - 04:55

I ordered the "You were a dick" & Bonus DVD and got it today - all's perfect but the song titles from the bonus tracks are hard to guess!
Is there a list with track titles and order-numbers?? That would help a bit! Thanx and greetings from Germany!

p.s.: CD is wonderful!Fits perfect to the rainy weather here... :-)

RE: You were a dick Bonus DVD | from John DoeJul 23 2011 - 12:01

thanks mate

RE: You were a dick Bonus DVD | from jwJul 22 2011 - 17:35

foobar is a program that might do the trick...it can be downloaded online for free. i think the best version right now is foobar2000 v1.1.7

a program like quintessential media player might be able to handle it as well. from my experience anyway (and i don't have a mac either), those are good free programs that work well when it comes to converting things to mp3, or .wav files, or whatever format you need them to be in.

bonus tracks | from laurentJul 22 2011 - 08:27


I received the special edition of "You were a dick" + DVD
How can I convert these bonus tracks in MP3 ? sorry I have no Mac, Ipod or Iphone and I need to convert the files in mp3 in order to listen to them (the WAV or AIFF formats are not read by the hardware I use)

thanks for your help


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