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RE: twitter fairy | from jeffNov 07 2009 - 15:07

finishing up my short film :) then back to the idaho CD

RE: twitter fairy | from az galNov 03 2009 - 08:22

I feel better I haven't missed anything that is true.

how about an update on your progress right now?

RE: twitter fairy | from jeffNov 03 2009 - 07:33

i havent tweeted in over 2 months....feel better?

wtf | from az galNov 02 2009 - 20:20

topic is twitter fairy
subject is wtf
message is cmon making join yet another group to hear about the progress of your new recording is a serious bummer. may i not be a tweet free spirit and read about the progress too?

where is a twitter fairy when you need one?

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