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holy shit! | from susan331 Aug 28 2005 - 14:59

Looks like those of you hoping to get rid of the deep South are going to get your wish:

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from Hobo JoeAug 17 2005 - 19:53

Yeah, Missouri sucks ass too.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from ronAug 17 2005 - 19:37

being from ohio, i disagree with ck, but i can understand his motivation. florida? all the way.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from edAug 17 2005 - 15:40

I think Missouri is pretty freaky.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from ckAug 16 2005 - 18:37

Ohio and Florida. No explanation necessary.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from ronAug 16 2005 - 16:33

Lawrence is OK, right? but towns like Emporia??? come on!

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from Alex NiedtAug 15 2005 - 14:29

Kansas isn't all bad.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from ronAug 15 2005 - 14:19

texas first, and THEN kansas. i almost forgot about god-forgotten kansas.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from Luther SquirrelAug 15 2005 - 10:38

For what reazon muz the texas manz humble adoration of hiz state meet such an accuzatory responze...? You obviouzly have a thingy against texan peeplez... Dere are very manyz of good squirrelz in texas.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from zalagAug 15 2005 - 10:10

these flag and break away laws prove that texans think they are better than the rest of the US.

and one can also get better bbq and mexican elsewhere.

sorry spring resident, you seem like a nice person. your state sucks though.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from resident of Spring, TexasAug 14 2005 - 21:27

Interesting Texas facts :
1. only state that at any point in time would (by law) be able to break away and form its own independant country
2. only state that can (by law) fly its flag higher than the U.S. flag (Lone stars displayed everywhere you go, humbly underneath the stars and stripes though)
3. only state who's capitol building is larger than the U.S. capitol building.
4. Likewise the San Jacinto monument was built a couple of stories higher than the U.S. national monument
5.incredible mexican food and bbq
6. i love Texas
(please note that while there is much pride in the great state of Texas there is also alot of love and pride for our great nation for all surrounding states.
many people from many neighboring states fought and died to bring Texas to where she is today and as apart of the union and not not an extention of Mexico - It is much appreciated. thanks - b

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from ronAug 14 2005 - 19:54

i'd keep MASS for sure. the state to get rid of is the state of Texas. but i don't want to get rid of it because of western texas. western texas has an amazing landscape. i'd get rid of everything starting at Midland and going east. the place is really like its own country. bizarre. Utah and Indiana would go next.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from rippermooseAug 14 2005 - 18:50

Hell, why be picky. All of them, plus the commonwealth.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from susan331 Aug 12 2005 - 20:52

It's not technically a state, but if the District of Columbia were to be excised from the Union I don't think I'd feel too badly about it...

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from dkAug 09 2005 - 13:43

Austin or no Austin--Texas has got to go.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from God's Military AdvisorAug 09 2005 - 12:26

Why not just get rid of San Francisco? The whole Soddam and Gamorra thing...

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from The Earl of SandwichAug 08 2005 - 13:40

6-10. Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana--The Deep South gets Deep-Sixed.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from The Earl of SandwichAug 08 2005 - 13:37

1. Massachusetts--Full of snobbish idiots who think they're better than everyone else and have annoying accents.

2. Florida--Full of nonsensical old people who don't know how to drive or vote.

3. Delaware--I'm not even sure this is really a state anyway. Has anyone ever actually been there?

4. North Dakota--A frozen wasteland and more people with annoying accents.

5. Arkansas--Remember "Deliverance"? Make movie magic come to life among the Razorbacks.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from cAug 08 2005 - 11:20

I would say New Mexico, because this state contains the city Albuquerque, which is the title of a song on the terrible album "Tonight's The Night" by Neil Young.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from All of themAug 08 2005 - 09:46

Except Hawaii.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from CFAug 08 2005 - 08:34

I agree it would probably be Mississippi or Alabama. Utah is actually the "reddest" state in terms of voting, but it has too many environmentally redeeming qualities. Mississippi has the lowest literacy rate. We might look to Kansas or some other vast wasteland, but we need the corn and wheat. I think the only thing they grow in Mississippi is rednecks.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from Luther SquirrelAug 08 2005 - 08:26

It wood not be utah... dare'z too menny good nutz dare... and i's not be meaning mormonz. mormonz are not nutz. zey make berry good nayborz.

kould be florida... too menny crokodilez in florida... zey eat my kuzzins...

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from eraserheadAug 08 2005 - 01:04

Massachusetts? Where did that come from? Oh wait, is that George W? You rascal you! You are such a kidder. You way you did that whole Irag thing. Too much.
Thanks for that tax break! Now Ashley can have her Beamer which she so desperately needs.

RE: What U.S. State should we get rid of? | from The Earl of SandwichAug 07 2005 - 21:45


Utah. | from Whitey.Aug 07 2005 - 13:07

If you could pick one (and only one) U.S. state to force out of the Union, which state would it be? For me it's a hard choice between Mississippi or Utah. Both have so many things wrong with them that you have to consider the things that are good about them. Utah has skiing, Mississippi has no redeeming values. Most of the time I wish the deep south would simply die, but if I had to pick one state, it'd have to be Mississippi.

What's yours?

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