RE: never enough | from hiphophoorayAug 04 2005 - 08:23
There's a lot of trigger happy, gun totin' hoose gow hicks aroun' here. Put away your guns and play with your penises instead, or if you haven't a penis try a large but comfortable dildo.
There's a lot of trigger happy, gun totin' hoose gow hicks aroun' here. Put away your guns and play with your penises instead, or if you haven't a penis try a large but comfortable dildo.
The more obnoxious you are, the less it matters that people try to shoot you.
Save urine, drink beer.
the more oblivious you are, the less aware you are that people are trying to shoot you down.
self preservation. hmmmm. seems delusionaly satsifying.
You will go on a journey happy long time.
The more persistant you are, the less it matters that people try to shoot you down...
I believe an imposter has chosen to use my very own initials to discredit me. Twice. Oh well, to quote a great thinker and urine drinker, "probably the better you are, the quicker people go to shoot you down."
sorry i wrote that. i often assume a lot. i tend to be pretty defensive likewise. especially with other musicians. sorry if i hurt your feelings.
it is okay to believe in what you do. intending, i was referring to musicians in general. no matter how brilliant or sweet your music is it means not much in this world. probably the better you are, the quicker people go to shoot you down. by the way urine does cost anything last time i checked. to tell you, i am kind until you give me a reason not to. your smartass remark is brilliant. and you are a really humble smartass. thanks dude, i hope you feel better about yourself now.
Sorry, I refuse to support your urine drinking habit. And you can't offer something "humbly," then refer to it as "brilliant and sweet."
humbly offered... ten albums ten dollars. ten years. would it be a good idea to present this as the opening to "my" webpage that i will send you the mp3 disc first, after which once you receive it, send payment? i think a dollar for postage would be necessary. so eleven. one hundred and forty something songs. totally is so hard to sell music even if it is brilliant and sweet. just wondering, Jeff, do you have supplemental income besides your music productions?
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