RE: pitch correction... your thoughts? | from NyetJul 20 2005 - 17:49
It's a deal. But I'm going to miss this little train wreck.
dk, you gotta ditch this thread, man. for every two sentences you write, rickspy is going to write 3 chapters.
...then I'll probably write something. and everybody's time is wasted.
Sorry blowhole, you've got me confused with someone else. And stop proking me or I'll sic the Fantastic Four on your evil genius ass.
but you don't have to take my word for it...
that last one reads like really bad comic-book dialogue.
so...! how about that Air Guitar championship? pretty rad, right? (well, compared to where this thread has gone)
So much fun, Dk? Hmmmm.... Based on my ability to proke you in such an unbelievably easy manner (more than anyone I've ever encountered thus far), I would say it seems I am the only one enjoying our little banter. Although it would be so much more fun for me, if you could finally respond with a few intelligent comments. Is that possible? That would be nice, since to this point I've felt like a cat toying with a poor defenseless rat ... the rat, doing all it can to attempt little bites at the cat, while the cat gleefully bats it around in amusement. The rat helplessly squirms and fights in futile desperation, only to eventually be devoured. This is usually what happens, so don't feel so bad little guy.
As far as being sexist. You're entitled to your opionion, but if we must go back to your comments wishing death upon Satriani fans via electrocution (which still freaks me out)- Is there really any need to defend myself to someone like that? I hardly think so. Remember, self awareness is the first step towards self improvement. Now, who's the moron??????
If we're talking intelligence, well, it should be painfully obvious to anyone (just based on your writing skills alone, if not you're child-like way of communicating), that you're not exactly Einstein. We can compare IQ scores just for confirmation, if you'd like .. no? .. I didn't think so. Uh, oh, I can see your poor little brain attempting to work as I type, face turning red. Sorry, I'd better be nice. You might hunt me down and find a way to electrocute me!
Well, my friend, I would love to continue further debate (not that you've given me anything TO debate thus far), but I feel we will just continue in the juvenille manner you seem to prefer, and that just isn't any fun or a challenge. I'm not here to throw insults at people. After all, we arent debating religion here ... it's only music. So, good news, this will be my last message to you (which is probably what you are hoping for, since you would just continue to be helplessly subjected to embarrassment). I can hear your sigh of relief as I type. Again, God bless you all ... Long live quality music, and long live the mediocity! I embrace you.
Your wife is a very lucky woman: smart enough to appreciate Dream Theater and married to a sexist moron. Please keep posting. This is so much fun.
i have detected rickspy to be an undercover idaho message board regular. he is bullshitting everyone. all praise to you lord spy. imagine the licks one versed in satrianism could fiddle on a woman's stuff. what is your technique dude. i always took the simple approach with guitar. maybe if i complicated a little more my girlfriend would be happier with me. d
I like the attempt at witty, sarcastic humor, DK. Not bad. At least you're not taking everything so seriously. It was very much appreciated.
Since you are so interested (and I really hope you're not), yes, In my single days, I used to get laid a lot. But now I'm married and get laid even more (thank the lord!). I'm not as cool as you, but yes I'm cool. As far as mood music goes - as any smart man would do - I've always set the mood with whatever the girl liked, which as we all know, is never music like Dream Theater (usually stuff like Richard Marx, Brian Adams, Journey, all of which I love by the way). As much as I like Dream Theater, unless you are very much schooled in music theory, which 99% of the population is not, they go over most people's head, especially women (I call it the Mozart factor ... too many notes, sensory overload). Thankfully my wife loves them. I love all kinds of music that doesn't involve technically proficient guitar playing. Acutally the best SONGS are almost always written by musicians that are good melody writers, not necessarily shredding guitarists. Usually good song writers and shredders don't go hand in hand. Did Yngwie ever have a big hit? .. no. Do we hear D.T all over the radio? ... no. I like all kinds of music (everything from Madonna to Metallica), so my opinions on musicianship and songwriting are very opposite. Might be confusing, I know. I'm hard narrow down into a category, but that's what makes it fun.
Rickspy, are you a real spy? That must be so cool. I'll bet you get laid a lot. When you get a hot chick in your apartment, do you put on some Dream Theater to set the mood? I'll bet you do. You are so cool. If only the rest of us weren't so mediocre. By the way, you were right on the money with the Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughn disses. Everyone on this board is obsessed with them. I guess only a spy would be able to figure that out. You are my hero.
you still dont get it, do you?
Green, I couldn't have agreed more with your comments. Thank you for keeping things in perspective. You were right on the money.
Now as far as "Plug em in's comments ... My God man! I know my comments can tend to provoke controversy, but to wish all those at a Satriani gig to be electrocuted? I've always seen extreme envy from those who were physically challenged on the fretboard, but not liking one's musical taste is one thing ... wishing them to be killed is a bit extreme and disturbing, don't you think!? Might be time for a little psychotherapy Plug em in! Remind me to never to upset you again - yikes!
While Plug em in's comments were quite disturbing, they did make me do some thinking. I've decided to take the high road and embrace the mediocrity. As Green pointed out, musica taste is personal. Diversity is what makes the world an interesting place, and it's just the same with music. We need all kinds of music, and my opinion and taste in music are simply that - MY opinion and taste. I was simply trying to make a point of what I've seen consistently over the last 25 years of playing. I will never get into this kind of debate again, because it is quite futile. Comparing physically challenged guitarists to gifted players, is like members of Mensa mocking the mentally handicapped... simply not fair, or kind. Thus, I will never again debate over musical tastes or make fun of physically challenged musicians. I love you guys! Without you the gifted would not have such appreciation for what God has blessed us with. So you guys Go! .. have a blast with your Clapton ... keep practicing your Stevie Ray Vaughn blues riffs, I'll do the same with my Dream Theater, Lynch shredding, and we will all live happily together. God bless the mediocrity! I love you all.
glad to here we got some lovers in the forum...positive feedback for VERY SECRETARY....i want to see them live badly but i believe you need a shovel to find out much information.please email me if any info.
Rickspy - king of irony. That person has gotta be kidding?
I don't think envy comes into it, just a terrible joy at mocking the afflicted, stagnant adolescents that dribble out the sewer muck that passes for rock guitar swing.
Or maybe I'm wrong.
But, I doubt it.
Hell, at least all these people are in one place when there's a satriani gig on. Now all we need is lots of water on the floor and a frayed live cable.
Everybody's happy.
anyone here listen to very secretary? art is hard motherfuckers
some people have talent. some people are gifted. some people have both a gift and the talent to make sense of it all. if one learns how to play the guitar with an admirable level of proficiency doesn't mean that the songs that he/she writes are going to be anything anyone is going to want to listen to. people with and without talent are going to have their opinions--as harsh as they may be. musical tastes are personal.
I heard some dream theater songs and they are definitely talented, but their songs don't do anything for me. no big deal. I can't play one lick of dream theater (and since it's not really my type of band, why would I want to?), but that doesn't change my mind about them--but it doesn't mean you have to agree with me either.
don't take it so hard.
I'm so ashamed. All this time I thought I hated those spandex- wearing hairbags who wouldn't know a song if it bit them in the ass because they're pretentious, soulless wankers who pander to the musical tastes of fourteen year old Dungeon and Dragons fans. Turns out I was just jealous. And I'm not even a musician. Thak you, Rickspy. I will never listen to "modern American bands" again. Anyone know any Scandanavian metal bands I can check out to start my new collection?
There is something I constantly notice about those who complain about extaordinarily talented musicians that create amazing music (like Yngwie, Vai, Satriani, Dream Theater, etc) ... those that complain about these bands/musicians NEVER have talent that even approaches the bands/artist they complain about (hello Nirvana, and basically all modern American bands), these novice, so called musicians complain about talented musicians not having "soul" or "heart" or play to fast or whatever ... none of these people ever have the ability to do it themselves (don't even know how to play a scale or guitar solo), and THUS is the reason for the very pathetic, and sad jealously ...while sad, I've always found it kind of funny. Those without talent .. sorry you were born that way, it sucks .. but it's no reason to hate those WITH talent ... get over it!
It's ok. You needn't worry. The discussion of pitch is irrelevant.
Song just went into coma and finally died with ruptured arteries in the heart and chronic boredom of the spirit.
There is an endless list of bands whose members couldn't tune their own guitars much less play them with any level of sophistication, and some of those bands made some memorable and influential records. Why? Because they weren't paralyzed by the pursuit of perfection. I'm not saying be sloppy out of laziness, but for God's sake, loosen up those sphinctres.
How about The Shaggs? EVERYTHING was wrong about them.
i really like dinosaur jr. j mascis sings wonderfully out of pitch quite often. but not all the time. once in a while is a good spice to keep acceptable in your musical cupboard. a definite opinion. doug
YES! Jim White is a fucking genius drummer. Totally original.
Are you being serious?
Alex, what the fuck are you talking about? that's genius drumming. The drums MAKE that record. Metal Heart would be a boring song without them.
I saw here live with No Doubt once and she sang fine. It wasn't great singing, but it wasn't bad. Just your normal live singing, I suppose. She performs well, though. It's all about watching her.
The worst drumming I recall hearing on record is on Cat Power's "Moon Pix".
Yeah but she looks fine the hollaback girl video!!!! Damn!!!
Even worse, I recently saw an advertisement for a vocal processing unit built for live applications that could auto-tune your voice as you sang in realtime. Unfuckingreal. We're getting way too obsessed with perfection. IT's also allowing terrible vocalists to become band leaders and lead singers. fuck. ever heard gwen stafani sing live? holy good christ, she couldn't carry a note with a backpack.
Being off is what makes it human. If everything is exactly right, by machine standards, then the soul is zapped out. That's bad -- unless that's your intention. Some of the best pop from the '80s featured drum machines, and sometimes those clickety clacking old things are what made the music work.
Overamped guitars, standing too close to the mike, a drum fill that drops out a little, snare bleed across the mix -- all of that is OK if the song calls for it. But if it's just sloppy, like green said, do it over again.
There's a Graham Parker track from The Up Escalator -- I think it's "Empty Lives" -- where the percussion is just wretchedly bad. It's off beat, it drops in and out -- it's a complete afterthought and it damn near ruins the song. Jimmy Iovine produced it, and he ought to have known better. Was everybody high that day?
pitch correction is okay. I just wouldn't use it every time--and definitely not for the lead vocals. I think it's really annoying when it's used often. if you want to hit a note, then hit it.
I can't stand the drums being "off"--unless it's done intentionally. but if the drummer falls behind or speeds up, it's not alright with me. you'll have to do that sloppy shit over again.
But it actually is a problem for me that I care about these things too much, one time when I was recording vocals in a studio I sang the very same sentence 76 times. Over and over again because it didn't feel right. I doubt that anyone else other than me would have heard the differens, the engineer didn't. He didn't hear anything wrong. But I did.
Same goes with guitars, I've been looking for an acoustic guitar for 2 years now. Can a guitar have a perfect intonation? I thought so, but I don't anymore.
I guess I should play keyboard instead...
sometimes, when my feet get
It can still be great even though it's off. It depends on the song and it depends on how it's played. These are the answrs you are looking for:
Q (?). "jesus christ JR, who cares if the drums are off."
A. I guess I do sometimes.
Q. "what if they were always "on" wouldn't that take away character from the song?"
A. Not necessarily.
Q. "Can't the drums be like like the voice and be a lttle off sometimes?"
A. Of course.
Q. "what abvout the guitars? can they be a little off?"
A. I wrote; "...It's all about the feeling. Same goes with vocals and every other instrument." So the answer is yes.
Q. "would that be okay with you?"
A. It's perfectly okay. This is what I think. Feel free to add your own views to this topic.
I agree with you on "Love Songs", dk. I wouldn't dream of fixing anything there.
I enjoy listening to drummers with all different feels. I love the spot-on drumming on "Hearts of Palm". But I also REALLY love the really loose drumming on Bark Psychosis CDs. Tim Mooney's drumming is great...kind of a combination of the, but with lots of swing, if that makes sense. And the RHP drummer...I love when he accidentally rushes or slows down a bit on the super slow songs ("Mother", "Funhouse", etc.). Whatever works...
jesus christ JR, who cares if the drums are off. what if they were always "on" wouldn't that take away character from the song?
Can't the drums be like like the voice and be a lttle off sometimes? what abvout the guitars? can they be a little off? would that be okay with you?
I have never studied music but I can still have some problems with drummers that are a little off. It can really ruin a song. But if it feels natural and the rest of the music is just as off then there is of course no problem. It's all about the feeling. Same goes with vocals and every other instrument. Out of tune can still be magic, but all I am saying is that I most often would rather choose the other way around.
i think there are some Idaho songs where the vocals aren't exactly on pitch... but big freaking deal. "when you get in your car you always seem to drive some place, but in 1981 you didn't have to be someone..." those vocals aren't perfectly in pitch, but it works really well. i don't know if it's intentional or not, but either way, it's perfect for the song. alex, i know what you're saying. and again, it seems that people just like to bust your balls on everything you write. i once played with some shitty band that was supposed to be so cool and cutting-edge and all that shit. after the first song, each guitar player and the bass player randomly turned the tunning heads on their guitars and they played the rest of the set like that. and of course, it sucked ass. but thinking back, the songs wouldn't have been much better if they were in tune... bad songs are bad songs.
Eitzel's Songs of Love is a good example of a recording that contains some piss poor vocals at times, and Eitzel even apologizes for singing flat, but those performances are emotionally satisfying regardless of the flaws. Sanitizing the vocals would not make that a better listening experience for me. I know a guy who went to school to study music, a very talented musician, who can't listen to Elliot Smith because the drummer's a little off. He will spend his life in a tiny room, complaining about shit like that until they haul his anonymous corpse out in to the street one day. Sad.
I have no problems with pitch correction as long as you can't hear it. Of course I prefer without, but when it's needed it's good to have.
Pitching can for instance save a sentence sung both really good and bad. You will still keep the natural flow.
I think the guy who mixed my last recording used pitch correction here and there. I didn't mind, and I can't hear where he used it when I listen.
And I agree with Alex, I like it when it's tuned.
"what if being off key is part of the point of the goddamn piece?"
????? I'd love to hear a song where being off key is the entire point.
Music needn't be perfectly performed, but it shouldn't be performed like shit. Vocals needn't be perfectly in tune, but they shouldn't be totally out of tune. If they are, they distract from the song. Your message isn't getting across if people are annoyed by your singing the entire time. I don't give a fuck if people use pitch correction if it doesn't interfere with the song. If a song is good, I don't care what has been done to make it good.
Those of you who are disagreeing with everything I you really want to listen to bands who can't tune or play their instruments or sing reasonably well at all? Do you wish Jeff sucked at the guitar, piano, drums, etc. Would that give IDAHO more "soul"? Yeah, that'd be great, right? And I guess the fact that AMC's guitars are always out of tune when playing live makes their shows more "soulful" and "honest" than their recordings? No. Intonation, bad or good, does not equal soul. Intonation merely makes a more pleasurable listening experience. Red Stars Theory and Dakota Suite write some cool stuff, but they sound like shit to the point of turning off quite a few potential fans. If they tuned their guitars and sang in tune for their recordings, do you people actually think they'd sound less soulful?
I know there are other Skating Club fans here. I've never heard anyone complain about his second album. The vocals are obviously corrected the entire time, but for some reason, it just gives them a really cool sound; it doesn't take away from anything.
i'd kick all your asses.
i second that, JB. i'd like to see alex and this loosemoose character kick the crap out of each other.
PLEASE GOD, let this meltdown into a brawl....!!!
I wrote, "Following the above logic, Young, Dylan, etc. should never have had careers." I didn't say you said it. I extrapolated from the specious argument you posited, spunkslurper. Your own comprehension skills are dubious at best.
There're times on this board where it veers too damn uncomfortably close to the Joe Satriani/Yngwie Malmsteen/Steve Vai school of perfection, where everyone can play and sing in perfect harmony, pitch and time, but nobody has a goddamn fucking soul.
Really, you're beginning to sound as if you'd be happier amongst the doyens of classical perfection or the massed ranks of Emerson Lake & Palmer proggery...
Alex, mah man, what if being off key is part of the point of the goddamn piece?
Pitch perfect, or close, isn't always the way.
Nor is perfect musicianship, or being able to grasp and understand all musical theory.
Paralysis through analysis.
You end up with a perfect object, but no fucking life in it.
I didn't say they shouldn't have had careers, douchebag. I said it's stupid for a "professional singer" to be proud of singing out of tune. And I never said anything about 100% correct pitch being imperative. I said it shouldn't sound like you have no idea what notes you're singing. Read for comprehension much???
Hey guys, I use Bitch Correction all the time! When my bitch gets out of line, I don't stand for it! I say "Bitch, your out a' line and need correctin'!" and I go ahead and correct. I advise this method to anyone who wants an easy life and who wants to keep their bitch in check.
In fact, dk, I am Musical Scientist - no other. Please do not confuse me with other posters on this message board.
It is absolutely IMPERATIVE that all vocalists must be 100% correct in pitch. If this means pitch correction tools are necessary to use, so be it - but any vocalist that is not 100% correct on pitch at all times, he/she is NOT a true musician and should not be making music. In music, the human (emotional) element, as well as any inherent musical limitations, must be removed COMPLETELY. There is absolutely NO margin for error.
I know. I know. Stefani.
The musical scientist strikes again. Following the above logic, Young, Dylan, etc. should never have had careers. Hell, they're not even real musicians. As opposed to say Nelly Furtado and Gwen Sefani. Young once sang in one of those benefit, We Are The World things, and after he finished his part one of the other musicians told him he was off key. Young said "I'm always off key." And he was proud of it. Funny how I can't remember the other guy's name.
Jesse McCartney...that's the guy. Worst-sounding pitch correction I've ever heard. But he's a teenage actor trying to have a pop singing career, so it's no surprise that it sounds like they've plugged in five Autotunes and cranked them all.
Like Ron started to say before he went off in a different direction, there are situations where it's appropriate. And if it's used correctly, it can be completely unnoticeable. You hear stuff all the time that you have no idea is corrected.
Hell...some Eitzel stuff has me wishing he'd either spend more time in the studio (there's the key to this whole situation) or have someone fix a few of his lines. I know some people say, "Oh but it's so human and beautiful." Yes, sometimes it can be. But not when it just sounds like you've fucked up and have no idea what note you should be singing. That is just annoying. And in my opinion, no singer who releases professional CDs should take pride in singing out of tune.
So...I don't care if anyone uses pitch correction. If something sounds good, it sounds good, whether or not the "stigma" of pitch correction is there.
pitch correction is OK to use if, for whatever reason, you have a vocal take that you just can't reproduce, but you want to keep. and let's say there's a word or two that might need it. actually, i don't like it at all. i'm not that good a singer and i know it, so i don't try to do anything that is beyond my ability. but even if something's a little off, so what. i think the modern-day technologies are cool for making records in a more efficient, economic sense, but i think it makes people want to make "the perfect record." that's why i like the Idaho stuff so much. those records are perfect, but they're perfect because the sounds of all the records are so real and honest.
YES!!! that's the line exactly! maybe it's just me...
Here and there? His vocals just flat out suck on "Sun Kil Moon". Entire songs are flat and strained. I think it sounds cool as an effect. But there's this one guy who's name I can't remember at the moment...his vocals sound SO bad. It's like Autotune is cranked all the way up the entire time. I'll post again if I remember his name. But overall, I mind it if it's obvious. It just grates on your nerves. Adam, are you talking about the line "that you KNEW was always here", or whatever it is?
I think it's just a tool like any other available in recording, but I personally don't like the idea of using it.
A lot of artists have taken to using this unnecessary tool. I think it's dishonest, and bullshit. Imagine what Neil Young's classic albums would sound like if he used pitch correction. Or Bob Dylan. Even Mark Kozeleks' voice drifts (if ever so slightly) into sharp and flat territories here and there, but i think that's part of his vocal charm.
So my question to all of you that record vocals: do you use pitch correction? Jeff? I swear i heard some on "to be the one"... am i right?
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