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RE: Worst album art EVER | from CodreanuAug 07 2005 - 01:19

These disturbing covers could very well have served as embellishment to that repugnant thread concerning underground horse-sex:



RE: Worst album art EVER | from Alex NiedtAug 06 2005 - 19:14

Have you guys seen the covers for the two soon-to-be-released Mark Eitzel CDs? Really awful in a sort of funny kind of way.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from mplasterJun 16 2005 - 16:17

hahahah. oh dear Lord, it's a Projekt title!!! a fellow labelmate of mine.

funny stuff, although i should point out that Voltaire's stuff is, for the most part, very tongue-in-cheek. the guy puts alot of oddness and humor in his music. not really my bag of cats, but seriously, there is far worse out there.

^see above devastatin dave et al^

RE: Worst album art EVER | from BiggieJun 16 2005 - 15:17

You guys have no clue what you're talking about. Find a worse album cover than this, I dare you:


RE: Worst album art EVER | from an*l c*ntJun 16 2005 - 15:15

how could we forget, a classik such as this:

RE: Worst album art EVER | from ChrisJun 16 2005 - 14:22

I agree that pretty much all the ones moentioned are pretty lousy. The ones pictured above are dreadful but you could tell that they were not backed with a lot of $$ from whatever trash company made the album. The DMB cover is horrible because they are a huge band with a nice bankroll. But as bad as that cover is it still comes nowhere near the horror that are Creed's Human Clay and Weathered. Hands down the cheesiest big dollar album covers ever. If I remember correctly they were done by like one of the band members brother or something like that.
The greatest album cover for me is Catherine Wheel's Chrome.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from RoscoeJun 13 2005 - 20:09

I always figured Nirvana's nevermind to be the worst art ever.
I mean, whaddafuck was that all about?
Like anybody would dip a dollar bill in a pool.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from ChrisJun 13 2005 - 06:35

I found a used copy of that D(U)MB album. Dave is credited among a list of about a dozen goofuses. Discmakers dodged it -- lucky for them.

Not only is the art wrenchingly awful, but the cover prints like a cheap self-mailer. You put your hands on it and every touch is remembered fondly by the cut-rate coated stock.

It really is all-time bad.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from ShanioJun 12 2005 - 12:49


RE: Worst album art EVER | from Devastatin' DaveJun 12 2005 - 12:47




RE: Worst album art EVER | from RossJun 10 2005 - 09:38

I think Dave's graphic designer should be dead... in any color.

Best album cover ever:
Cornell Campbell - I Shall Not Remove


Jeff, think about it. All you need is a hat...

RE: Worst album art EVER | from ronJun 10 2005 - 04:03

that "All My Friends Are Dead" actuall has some really awesome colors.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Alex NiedtJun 10 2005 - 00:54

So I guess the crack is part of why Dave's voice is shot on the new record?

RE: Worst album art EVER | from JBJun 10 2005 - 00:18

Wow, those covers make me green with envy.

I saw theDMB cover yesterday, and for some reason I thought it was a SEAL record.
It's so bad it's almost good.

Just so you know, behind that cover lies a bunch of pot, crack and pediphilia.

(my brother in law was their tour manager for the last 4 years - he left 6 weeks ago)

I dragged Jeff to a show at Staples in LA and I don't think he's ever forgiven me.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from S. CrapJun 09 2005 - 20:21

Am I the only one who compulsively
puts the U in DMB? It's not even a judgement. I see DMB and I just put the U in there. Then I read website stuff like, live updates on DMB show, and laugh hysterically. Don't they pay people to avoid this stuff? I mean DMB is written on the album cover. Is it just me or is that just dumb?

RE: Worst album art EVER | from couldn't resistJun 09 2005 - 19:14

A jazz musician dies and goes to heaven. He meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, and St. Peter takes him on a tour of heaven. He shows him all these legendary musicians, playing in this unbelievable jam session. There's Duke Ellington and Dizzy Gillespie and Gene Krupa and John Coltrane and every other jazz great who's passed away.

The musician tells St. Peter heaven's just how he imagined it would be. The he notices someone sitting with his back to the other musicians. He's wearing sunglasses and ignoring all the other players. "Who's that?", the musician asks. St. Peter says, "Oh don't mind him. That's God. He thinks he's Miles Davis."

RE: Worst album art EVER | from you aint kiddin'Jun 09 2005 - 14:24

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Alex NiedtJun 09 2005 - 13:06

Seriously man, if you saw the work that Discmakers does, you'd be laughing your ass off for days. I know they've designed another DMB CD, and by the looks of this one, I'd bet money that they did it. You should have seen the designs these morons were coming up with for one of my dad's CDs. They were unbelievably embarrassing.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from ChrisJun 09 2005 - 12:48

Seriously, though -- that Matthews cover is deliciously bad. The ones Pants posted are -- well, you EXPECT them to be bad, you know? And I'm not saying that the stinky DMB has ever put out a record with a neat cover. But this -- this is just criminal. I see it on the shelves and I think: Did the last 25 years of graphic design not count for anything? Is the music inside as fey and nutso as the cover makes it out to be?

Who designed this thing? The Dave Matthews Aunt?

RE: Worst album art EVER | from gibbsJun 09 2005 - 12:30

meant "album covers" not websites.
already forwarding this to many people.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from gibbsJun 09 2005 - 12:24

i havent had a reason to post on this site for a long time. but after viewing those websites i almost made an ass of myself lauging out loud. thanks to all that posted those.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Jason EisertJun 09 2005 - 12:07

If you want to see the cheapest album cover ever look at Miles Davis', You're Under Arrest

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Jason EisertJun 09 2005 - 12:02

I can't stand Dave Matthews Band

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Geoff with a 'g'Jun 09 2005 - 09:47


RE: Worst album art EVER | from ckJun 08 2005 - 15:11

Those are the best album covers I've ever seen. Thank you.

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Pantsy McDoodlesJun 08 2005 - 14:52

and finally, the Pinnacle, the Apex, the Grand Poobah, the King, The Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World....

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Pantsles McE-dudeJun 08 2005 - 14:50

as if further proof were needed...

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Doodspants McE-lsJun 08 2005 - 14:48

continuing on...

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Doods-l'doods McE-PantsJun 08 2005 - 14:46

as well as....

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Doodsly McPantslesJun 08 2005 - 14:44

you folks have no idea what your talking about.

worst album cover:

RE: Worst album art EVER | from Alex NiedtJun 08 2005 - 14:22

Hahaha...seriously. So cheap and amateurish. Maybe they had Discmakers do the design.

Try to top it | from ChrisJun 08 2005 - 12:29

Could there possibly be a worse looking album cover than the one for the new Dave Matthews record? That thing looks like something from the make-up counter at Sears circa 1973. Absolutely awful.

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