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Friend Painter/musician in Chicago

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RE: seems alot of people paint to your music! | from Greg MaddoxNov 07 2003 - 17:34

thanks, I really appreciate that!
I'm trying to put together animations with some music scores to them as
well, trying to bridge the link of visual
and audible art! my 2 loves....

RE: seems alot of people paint to your music! | from Alex NiedtOct 31 2003 - 20:26

Your art is very good. You're quite talented.

Friend Painter/musician in Chicago | from Greg MaddoxOct 31 2003 - 19:28

i we hung out in chicago when you were at Schouba's and at Elbo room.
YOu guys were as good as expected.
Was very memorable experience after
listening and painting to you rmusic for so long. I mainly have painted listening to "3 sheets to the wind"
but I like just abot everything you've done. I'm an ex-France inhabitant. if you might remember?
It was great to talk to you and you kicked ass both shows and I've turned on a lot of people in Chicago to your music. I really hope you come back!

if you want to see some of my paintings i did while listening my website is
Thanks for all the great emotional highs of you art!

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