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RE: this is an idaho board but we need new idaho news | from cagainOct 29 2003 - 11:42

"Shoulder back" was available on CD in 1998, which was only 2 years after it was recorded... that's not too bad.

RE: this is an idaho board but we need new idaho news | from AlexOct 29 2003 - 10:53

Personally, if Jeff says what he's doing right now is a million miles away from those songs, I'm more than willing to forget them and wait for the next official release.

RE: this is an idaho board but we need new idaho news | from ChrisOct 29 2003 - 08:25

Yes, Jeff- I insist. Lately is too damn good to wait for on a rarities compilation 10 years from now (like I had to do with Shoulder Back)...ok?

RE: this is an idaho board but we need new idaho news | from deniseOct 28 2003 - 20:45

ok, well Chris says you simply have to release them in some form or another and I am supporting him so...once again--please???!!!

RE: this is an idaho board but we need new idaho n | from jeffOct 27 2003 - 20:43

im not too sure about including any of those songs...they feel like a million miles away from what im doing now........we'll see

RE: this is an idaho board but we need new idaho news | from deniseOct 27 2003 - 20:37

Hey Jeff,

Any chancce you will be doing an album version of Lately, or any of the other newer songs you did on the last tour?? PLEASE????!!! Thanks, and yes we know it will all be worth the wait. It always is....

RE: this is an idaho board but we need new idaho n | from jeffOct 27 2003 - 15:54

just getting back to recording idaho songs after much undefinable busy ness. thanks for all your patience.....i think it will be worth the wait.

any news? | from scritti polittiOct 27 2003 - 15:06

so, any recent events via idaho stuff?

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