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RE: now then..... | from Big BobOct 03 2003 - 16:59

Donnie and BA, I just got hold of the new Swell last week. I wasn@t expecting it to be so good. The last one wasn't bad, but I got the feeling David Freel was even more bitter than usual. Think he missed the other guys too. But this album is great. "Next To Nothing", "Word Gifts" and "Always Everything" are the standouts for me so far. I hear the impossible to find first album's about to get rereleased too. Has anybody heard the "Bastards and Rarities" album?

RE: now then..... | from farmcafeOct 03 2003 - 10:52

i just saw califone last night in charlotte, n.c. their album quicksand/cradlesnakes is amazing, but what blew me away was how they manage to pull off in a live setting the crazy stuff that's on the record. four guys playing everything from a rhodes to a punched in mexican guitar, to whatever random and unusual percussion piece they could get their hands on, looped through echo and reverb units to a sublime perfection. it was awe inspiring. anyway, you should definetely pick up a copy of quicksand if you don't have it already.

(side note) i purchased a special live cd only available at the show. it's califone covering 11 rolling stones tunes. amazing stuff.

RE: now then..... | from Donnie DarkoOct 03 2003 - 05:15

NOt really heard it enough yet to suss out the songs but has a great vibe/sound. I think the second song is rather fab. Also, I heard a M Ward LP last night (end of amnesia) which was also mellow.
Anyone got a current fave listen to recommend?? I need new stuff!

RE: now then..... | from BAOct 01 2003 - 18:46

Donnie, the new swell record is great. Any favorite songs yet?

RE: now then..... | from AlexOct 01 2003 - 14:18

Excellent idea indeed.

RE: now then..... | from cOct 01 2003 - 12:28

BTW Jeff, I agree w/ "D" - you know we'd all buy it. i think it's a great idea.

RE: now then..... | from cOct 01 2003 - 12:24

Michael Gira/Angels of Light did a similar thing - sold a live CD exclusively from the website, and used all the proceeds to record their next studio album. and maybe i'm being retarded, but how could Marillion (I remember them too!) sell an album that hadn't actually been recorded yet?

RE: now then..... | from Donnie DOct 01 2003 - 07:51

It made me shudder just to think about typing that name!!
10/10 for knowing that obscure info Scoobie!!
Absurd world where a band like Idaho have to scrape around for recording money whilst pap idol budgets skyrocket. Oy vey.
New Swell LP is rather splendid BTW folks.

RE: now then..... | from sccoobidooOct 01 2003 - 05:35

Hey Donnie D. You're talking about Marillion!!! :-))

RE: now then..... | from DOct 01 2003 - 03:42

Jeff...if you put something out on this site you will make some money!! I'm buying!

RE: now then..... | from Donnie DOct 01 2003 - 02:34

Sounds great Jeff. There was a band in the UK that pre sold their LP to their fans on the net and used the money to actually record the thing!! Is this one looking upbeat/downbeat/rocky/mellow/all of the above?
Can we not block the idiot spammers? It's so sad.

RE: now then..... | from _Sep 30 2003 - 12:00

JR Olsson = nope.

RE: now then..... | from yupSep 30 2003 - 11:58

cars with tinted windshields? nope.

RE: now then..... | from mirrorSep 30 2003 - 11:02

i agree with mr. olsson. big waste of time. ppl acting a liitle like those guys with cars with tinted windshields - anonymity making them feel they can act like jerks. sure, we can & will ignore them. But, like spam, it's just a bit of a shame now, ain't it? Now, if they were genuinely funny or something.....

RE: now then..... | from nope.Sep 30 2003 - 09:32


RE: now then..... | from heySep 30 2003 - 08:07

the board was fine until someone had to start callin' people names. people are crazy and they'll do what they do. you can just ignore them instead of taking it to heart.

RE: now then..... | from huh?Sep 30 2003 - 08:05


RE: now then..... | from fan boyishSep 30 2003 - 08:03

jeff, you might have to start turning tricks to get this CD out. don't give up!

RE: now then..... | from jeffSep 30 2003 - 08:00

im trying to make some $ so the next idaho CD can see daylight. i may put out a little internet only ep type thing of some song sketches if you will, things that are noteworthy but wont make it on to the next idaho CD proper.

RE: now then..... | from JR OlssonSep 30 2003 - 07:56

i just can't understand the reason for ppl to ruin this board like you shitheads do. 'yep', nope' 'underscore' and what the hell your names are. are you jerking off reading the posts that comes out of it?

RE: now then..... | from yepSep 30 2003 - 05:24


New LP | from DonnieSep 30 2003 - 03:43

This board is falling apart recently so..
Jeff: save us: any new tidbits on the direction/completion of the new CD??

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