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hey listen up homeboyz

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RE: retrophonically speaking | from John DoeSep 28 2003 - 03:43

RE: retrophonically speaking | from elliottAug 09 2003 - 21:34


RE: retrophonically speaking | from ronAug 09 2003 - 06:27

that's how i ordered "three sheets" and "levitate." they came in just a few days. and that's from wherever to Ohio. i assume retrophonic is LA or NY based???

hey listen up homeboyz | from elliottAug 08 2003 - 16:45

i just ordered hearts of palm (i lost mine) from retrophonic and was wondering how long it usually takes to get the thing usually, cuz im leaving next week friday and really would like to have it before then... any experienced orderers know whats up?

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