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RE: BASTA! | from m2Jul 23 2003 - 20:13

dude, crawling out is such a great song. what does it for me is that last second of the song where it empties out into Zabo. the whole song , which is rather upbeat for idaho's standards, seems like this frantic race, plowing through the song to just get to that release where it collapses out and begins to swirl. okay i sound like a nut. but whatever. i dig it.

anyhow, i also dig BlueAstronaut. he's funny. dont go. maybe we could arrange a NHB/MMA matchup with the UFC featuring BlueAstronaut VS. Lurch on PPV. i could use a few more initials, if anyone's interested.

yeah, that'd be sweet.

RE: BASTA! | from StumpyJul 23 2003 - 18:37

Donnie, you're weird.

RE: BASTA! | from DonnieJul 23 2003 - 01:39

Just because you have deep feelings doesn't mean you can't be flip and purile.

One little boy anger one little man.

I listened to crawling out in the car this morning and it gave me goosebumps.

RE: BASTA! | from the other idahomusicJul 22 2003 - 21:56


RE: BASTA! | from IdahomusicJul 22 2003 - 20:12

This isn't worth our time, our yours, folks.

RE: BASTA! | from The no, really, it's boredJul 22 2003 - 16:59

Or "impostee", if you will...

RE: BASTA! | from AlexJul 22 2003 - 16:08

Why do I get the feeling that the last post was an imposter...?

RE: BASTA! | from cagainJul 22 2003 - 14:52

Sorry about that last post, but I'd just applied some haemmorhoid cream and itt was stinging a bit. Always makes me cranky.

RE: BASTA! | from LurchJul 22 2003 - 12:40

you'll be back...

RE: BASTA! | from cagainJul 22 2003 - 10:04

you know, i check out alot of band's message boards - they all have their fair share of crap. but you motherfuckers are PATHETIC. how such witless losers can be fans of a band as great as Idaho is beyond me. don't you people have anything better to do?!? then again, don't bother answering that question - i won't be back. christ

RE: BASTA! | from The REALLY REAL bored Jul 22 2003 - 08:53

Oooh, it gives me shivers.

RE: BASTA! | from RipJul 22 2003 - 06:52

Santa Claus is too weird.

RE: BASTA! | from MAPUTIJul 22 2003 - 06:31

Mr. Beelzedumb (and other posters),

Our last message contained a typographical error. The question should read: What would Santa do? We apologize for any inconvenience.

RE: BASTA! | from MAPUTIJul 22 2003 - 06:30

Mr. Beelzedumb,

We at MAPUTI, when we find ourselves under attack by the syphlis-ridden, ask ourselves the following question: What would Satan do? We think you know the answer.

RE: BASTA! | from the REAL boredJul 22 2003 - 05:50

this is cool - now there's an imposter "bored". i'm convinced that every single poster (or is that postee) on this board is the same person, except for me.

hey Jeff - when are you gonna begin work on the death metal record?

RE: BASTA! | from GreyPilotJul 21 2003 - 23:02

But wipe your lips first for god's sake. Can't take you anywhere....

RE: BASTA! | from GreyPilotJul 21 2003 - 22:23

Lurch, we got a common enemy now. Go boy, kill, kill...

RE: BASTA! | from GreyPilotJul 21 2003 - 22:09


RE: BASTA! | from GreyPilotJul 21 2003 - 22:05

Nah, "me", you're the one who's talking to yourself. If you feel, when you feel, that you are, who you are, if you are what you think you are, then that's who to believe in when you feel you're the one that you are, but maybe you're lying about who you are when you say that you are who you are. But, then again, maybe you are yourself and nobody else, or perhaps you're not who you say you are, just a fake of everyone else. If you really can find yourself, then...

RE: BASTA! | from GreyPilotJul 21 2003 - 21:54

BEElZEDUM, you're a charlatan; you've got no class either.

RE: BASTA! | from meJul 21 2003 - 21:52

it's pretty sad if one person is just rambling back and forth to him/herself on a message board

RE: BASTA! | from BEELZEDUMBJul 21 2003 - 21:50

We at MAPUTI (fill in stupid one-liner here: _____________________).

RE: BASTA! | from GreyPilotJul 21 2003 - 21:50

Bored, you have no style...

RE: BASTA! | from Purple CommasnotJul 21 2003 - 21:48


RE: BASTA! | from AlexJul 21 2003 - 21:44

This is hilarious. You're probably goopy and Red Cosmonaut too.

RE: BASTA! | from LurchJul 21 2003 - 21:28

you lie.

RE: BASTA! | from boredJul 21 2003 - 20:06

ok.. time to let the cat outta the bag. i am bored AND lurch AND BlueAstronaut. just wanted to make things interesting around here - hope i succeeded. yeah, i think i did!

RE: BASTA! | from LurchJul 21 2003 - 17:10

The world may never know...

RE: BASTA! | from AndrewJul 21 2003 - 13:39

Reading back to the other BlueAstronaut vs. Lurch posts, it seems possible. It makes them even funnier too.

RE: BASTA! | from AndrewJul 21 2003 - 13:34

That would be hilarious.

RE: BASTA! | from goopyJul 21 2003 - 13:17

i think this is one person posting under both names

RE: BASTA! | from LurchJul 19 2003 - 13:58

... whatever.

RE: BASTA! | from BlueAstronautJul 18 2003 - 19:45

Cause, lurch, you might search me, but you're not looking for what I'm hiding. Happy trails...

ENOUGH! | from BlueAstronautJul 18 2003 - 18:30

Ok, folks, I guess I brought a whole load of backed up crap with me. But, time's up. I gotta hobble off and lick my wounds. Good riddance to me. T'was fun whlie it lasted, sort of. Never intended this schism. Just from a coupla dumb questions. Oh, well. You ask a dumb question, you get an almighty shower of shit and a coupla strikes of sunlight. Still, keep well, and sink some whisky. Always the best option.
Oh, and lurch, we gotta get married.

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