RE: Forbidden | from JR OlssonJul 09 2003 - 05:26
thanks alot man, i appreciate your concern. i will force mr. dean to buy it though!
thanks alot man, i appreciate your concern. i will force mr. dean to buy it though!
...although i think you need a credit card to buy it - but maybe you can use paypal...sorry, just trying to be helpful
hey JR - i just saw "this way out" for sale at for $6.10. i don't know what that converts to in foreign currency, but it's pretty damn cheap.
dean, you don't have to put it on ebay to sell it to him directly through paypal.
hey man, e-mail me!
I happen to know there is a second hand ( but in mint condition ) copy of This way out in a record shop in Brighton UK. If you are willing to pay ( It's £7.99 plus probably about £1.50 p&P I can buy it and put it on Ebay and then you can pay through paypal??
Jr, you gotta relax.
agreed. i have all fullength releases now except 'this way out'. not easy to find it. the only chance is to order it from usa if some friend of mine can get it off of gemm or maybe ebay. i don't have a credit card. well that's not jeffs fault though. haha. but hey, maybe i don't agree after all. i would not be very much happier if it would be VERY easy to pick up an idaho record. of course it would be great though like you said that i could order them new directly from retrophonic. the old ones as well if possible.
Finally, I found & purchased the Forbidden EP. Great, Great stuff. I outbid on ebay (sorry if I offend you) a person who's most recent purchases where David Lee Roth "Eat Em & Smile" & Night Ranger's Greatest Hits. Just on principle alone, I probably would have mortgaged my house not to let that person outbid me! I still don't understand why Jeff doesn't make his music more readily available. I filled my Idaho catolog up with mostly used/second hand purchases. I would have much rather of had the money go in his pockets instead of some lame ass internet record stores.
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