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RE: Roskilde - Denmark | from jeremyMar 24 2003 - 09:13

Calexico - another of mt favourite bands. Their new cd, Feast of Wire, is terrific. just saw them for the 3rd or 4th time passing through this burg. They're coming around again in the fall. A really enjoyable musical experience, and highly recommended, IMHO.

RE: Roskilde - Denmark | from Alex N.Mar 23 2003 - 10:17

I don't have any Calexico CDs, but I just got the AMC tribute album, and Calexico's cover of "Chanel No. 5" is one of the only good covers on it, along with Ida's cover of "What Holds the World Together". I can't believe how many bands/singers just completely destroyed Mark Eitzel's songs. It's like they chose the best AMC songs they could think of, and then arranged and performed them in the absolute worst ways possible, and with no passion whatsoever (ex. Lambchop's cover of "Why Won't You Stay"). But actually, the best job of ruining a great song would have to go to whoever it was that covered "Blue and Grey Shirt". AAAHHHH!!!!! It's a crime!

RE: Roskilde - Denmark | from JBMar 23 2003 - 00:15

Sorry, I don't think so....

Are you coming | from BenchMar 22 2003 - 17:12

I saw Calexico is coming, it would be great seeing you there also. Are you coming?

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