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4 string guitar

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RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from RonJun 03 2003 - 05:15

there's a couple really cool tunings found on some red house painters page. also, if you want othe cool alt. tunings, Soundgarden had some AMAZING tunings. wow!

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from christianJun 02 2003 - 05:17

live skull, nice strong arm

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from Rob sJun 02 2003 - 04:19

I Love "LOVE". I'll look into the Zombies. Thanks. What about some other great tuning bands or artists all?

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from aliJun 01 2003 - 16:27

hello rob s, the left banke are super, its a shame theres not many other bands quite like them, maybe the zombies ? particularly the oddessey and oracle album, if youve not got that, id reccomend it lots

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from Andrew KellierMay 29 2003 - 14:41

The guitars are custom-made. They are probably designed with this in mind.

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from maxMay 29 2003 - 13:46

must put a big strain on the strings all that up-tuning?

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from AlexMay 29 2003 - 13:35

I don't think there's really an equivalent to speak of. The tunings he puts them in have quite a big range. I think he may just play normal 6-string acoustic guitars sometimes.

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from maxMay 29 2003 - 13:26

"he simply plays four-string guitars"

wow, what would the equivalent on a reg. guitar be?
removing the e and b strings?
Is the idea to get rid of the tinny sharp sounds?

does he use custom acoustic as well?
or just remove the top 2 strings on those?

certainly sounds great anyway whatever he does! sonic youth, MBV eat your heart out...

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from JeanMay 29 2003 - 09:45

I like Pretty Ballerina. Very unusual-sounding chord progressions.

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from Andrew KellierMay 29 2003 - 09:42

The Left Banke were an incredible band. The CD with all songs ever recorded is great.

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from Rob SMay 29 2003 - 07:07

well done Ali again.
Was it you that told me about Left Banke? If so... thanks

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from Sam SMay 29 2003 - 06:27

No, he simply plays four-string guitars. Check out the photos-- you'll see some Carruthers Teles and Jaguars with unusually thin necks.

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from maxMay 29 2003 - 03:00

is it not the top 2 strings that jeff removes?

judging by the http://web.mit.edu/baridley/idaho/music/guitar.html#gsdsfas website??

or does he also remove both the e's as well?

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from aliJan 31 2003 - 18:56

i think this is about the 3rd time ive posted this now, thats how proud i am of having worked it out,

first retune your guitar to egdebe (take the a string down 2 frets and the g string down 3 frets)

then while playing you have to dampen the first and sixth strings ( or for the real authentic idaho sound, remove them )

the first four chords of the first verse are

x 6 6 6 0 x x 9 9 9 0 x x 7 7 5 7 x x 6 6 0 4 x

(hammer on and off the little finger on the e string on the last chord)

then the 4 chords of the next bit which are repeated for ages are

x 6 6 9 0 x x 2 2 5 5 x x 9 9 12 12 x x 4 4 7 0 x

i reckon theres other songs in this tuning, but thats for you to discover................


hey rob s, if you're reading this, ive just got damien jurado and gathered in songs record "i break chairs", have you heard it ? its really good, you may like it

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from dcsJan 30 2003 - 16:37

The site was done by Brent Ridley and was a great source of info (along with the imusic idaho board) in the pre-idahomusic.com days.

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from Alex N.Jan 30 2003 - 16:02

I love your site, dcs. Great info. Lucas, Codeine is a really great band.

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from lucasJan 29 2003 - 12:02

thanks very nuch dcs.... i've just come back to idaho after a few years ( since three sheets...), i think i might start getting back into those early ninetities bands that I was so into like Codiene and Come.... is that your site... It's ace, thanks for your help, Lucas

RE: 4 string guitar tuningssss | from dcsJan 29 2003 - 11:49


4 string guitar | from lucasJan 29 2003 - 11:43

i'm really into Idahos sound, especially the earlier more guitar reliant stuff. I was wondering if anyone out there has any idea of the tunings used and of any chords for 4 string guitars...

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